Presented at True North PHP - 2 Talks: "Domain-driven Design Deconstructed" and "Manage Private Internal Dependencies With Composer and Satis"

I was invited to speak at the 2016 True North PHP conference and gave two presentations "Domain-driven Design Deconstructed" and "Manage Private Internal Dependencies With Composer and Satis".

Domain-driven Design Deconstructed

Abstract: Once you try domain-driven design (DDD), you will never design software in the same way again. We will start by discussing what it means to use a ubiquitous language, encapsulate logic in value objects, and use bounded contexts, entities, and aggregate roots to manage state and protect invariants. We will also cover more-advanced topics in the DDD world, such as event sourcing and command query responsibility segregation.

Some tweets about this talk:

Beau Simensen wrote up an excellent review of the True North PHP Conference on his blog and included a little bit of a review of my talk: TrueNorthPHP 2016 Review.

More reviews of the talk: feedback

Manage Private Internal Dependencies With Composer and Satis

Abstract: In this talk we'll discuss how to set up and use Composer to pull open-source packages from public repositories on Then we'll learn how to create your own private/corporate package management server using Satis. And we'll go through an example of how to integrate your own private code packaging server into your daily development workflow. feedback

November 4, 2016